Earthquakes are caused by relative movements
between tectonics plates. The stress increase up until bond friction is broken and rupture occurs realizing energy
in form of waves through the earth.
The point where is originated the fault is
called focus, and the point immediately upper in the ground is called
epicenter. Other terms are hypocentral distance, epicentral distance.
Faults can be generated by a combination of strike-slip and dip-slip. Strike
slip is a horizontal movement between plates, which could it be strike left or
right. If the fault is vertical, then it is called dip-slip, which could it be
reverse if that rock moves up the fault and normal if it moves downward. Thrust fault when the dip angle is
shallow, usually in subduction zones.
Magnitude of Earthquakes is measured using the
Richter scale. The Richter scale
measured the amplitude of the wave by means of seismograph, and corrected using a logarithmic scale.
For instance, an increase in 1 degree means an increase in 10 times in energy
Earthquakes Hazards could it be: shaking due to
ground vibrations, mudflows, liquefaction of soils, tsunamis, floods, fire.
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