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Peak Ground Acceleration PGA, PGV, PGD

Peak ground acceleration (PGA) is the maximum acceleration of the ground by earthquake. However, the acceleration in the structure is higher because of dynamic amplification . In fact, for an average building the acceleration could be increased up to 2.5 to 3.0 PGA (Melbourne). Rigid buildings are controlled by acceleration. PGA can be well measured using strong motion accelerometers placed close of the epicenter of the earthquake. The response of the structure depends on the duration of the pulse and the time history as a whole, and not just the PGA. Peak ground velocity (PGV) gives more information about the response of structures, being a better indicator of damage than PGA. The difference between PGV and the velocity in the center mass of structure is less than PGA and a, that is to say, the velocity (V) is 1.8 to 2.0 PGV. Buildings less rigid are controlled for velocity. PGV can be measured by seismometers place far away of the epicente r, which could be quite complex. PG...

World Seismicity and Earthquake Hazards

Earthquakes are caused by relative movements between tectonics plates. The stress increase up until bond friction is broken and rupture occurs realizing energy in form of waves through the earth. The point where is originated the fault is called focus, and the point immediately upper in the ground is called epicenter. Other terms are hypocentral distance, epicentral distance. Faults can be generated by a combination of strike-slip and dip-slip . Strike slip is a horizontal movement between plates, which could it be strike left or right. If the fault is vertical, then it is called dip-slip, which could it be reverse if that rock moves up the fault and normal if it moves downward. Thrust fault when the dip angle is shallow, usually in subduction zones. Magnitude of Earthquakes is measured using the Richter scale.   The Richter scale measured the amplitude of the wave by means of seismograph, and corrected using a logarithmic scale . For instance, an increase in ...

Introduction Earthquakes

The analysis of structures that resist wind loads could it be similar to earthquakes loads, because both are mainly lateral loads. However, deep differences are present in their design. Design for combined Gravity and wind load is based in verifies that loads are less than capacity of structural elements, trying to keep an elastic behavior . However, design of structures for combined gravity and earthquake is based in deformations and damage rather than only strength. Inelastic behavior is expected, and the design allows reach less strength than an elastic analysis. Moreover, design lead to ductile structures and a design by displacements instead of strength. Ductility can be defined as the ratio between d max and the drift expected. The ductility will keep constant in an Elastic behavior. Because the inelastic behavior is complex, then it is assumed that ductility of structures are defined always in the elastic range. Due to the ground accelerations, then inertia forces ...


In the design of high-rise buildings, different sectors and specialists gather in workshops to sort out an optimum design in terms of aesthetics, creativity, built ability and economy. The main elements involved in the design are shear core, footings, beams, floors and columns. In terms of the total cost of HB, floor is 40% and core a 30%. Therefore, an economic design has to reduce the floor or wall thick, because just a couple of millimeters imply a huge decrease in the total cost. Designs can be improved learning of the other’s mistakes. First, the design of short beams cannot be analyzed thinking that its behavior is similar to a beam under bending moment, which implies a minimum reinforcement. The right design should be made considering a truss model. Second, when is required a construction joint, the grout should be a concern thus the strength should be rise at least the same strength resistant of the concrete. Third, pedestrian comfort is a topic usually not though...

Listado de perfiles

Con el objeto de diseñar de forma rápida perfiles de acero, en ocasiones es necesario tener un listado de ellos ya sea de manuales ICHA o CINTAC, siendo los más utilizados. Es por ello que pongo a su disposición una planilla excel con un listado de perfiles, como por ejemplo: L, C, T, I, H, IN, UP, etc. Lo bueno de esta planilla, es que está realizada con macros por lo que además es posible mediante una interfase muy sencilla buscar el perfil que buscamos. Lo importante es que la dirección de la carpeta de imágenes se encuentre correctamente redireccionada, pues de lo contrario aparecerá un mensaje de error. La planilla entrega propiedades de inercia, áreas, radios de giro, etc. Espero les guste. Saludos. Download Listado de Perfiles

Rodolfo Saragoni Dice que edificios no cumple con la normativa

Este es un extracto de lo que señaló el experto, Rodolfo Saragoni, respecto a los edificios que colapsaron con el terremoto en 2010. Rodolfo Saragoni, ingeniero civil y académico de la Universidad de Chile, manifestó en Cooperativa que los edificios colapsados por el terremoto del 27 de febrero no cumplían con la norma de construcción chilena. "La norma es una norma de protección de vida. Lo que vimos en el edificio Alto Río de Concepción, no está permitido por la norma. Creo que estamos en condiciones de mejorar la norma sin costos sustantivos, pero en el caso de los edificios con fallas, obviamente hay vicios", afirmó Saragoni. El experto declaró sentir "vergüenza" ante las imágenes de rescatistas entre los escombros en las zonas afectadas por el sismo, porque "nunca se había visto en Chile" una imagen parecida. El académico explicó que si las construcciones se atañen a la norma de edificación en Chile, estas estructuras no se ven dañadas. Lo que ...